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What is the effect of ginger shampoo?

* 來(lái)源: * 作者: admin * 發(fā)表時(shí)間: 2020-05-21 15:41:50 * 瀏覽: 0
Ginger is a very common condiment in life, which can be used to remove fishiness. In fact, ginger has other functions. Ginger can be used to grow hair. What's the principle of ginger? What's the method of ginger? Let's have a look!

Ginger in the treatment of hair loss plays a major role in stimulating local skin vasodilation, hyperemia, increase local blood supply, improve the nutrition of hair follicles, and promote the growth of hair. In the same way, hair loss can also be treated by topical application of chili water or by using traditional Chinese medicine preparations such as safflower, right mouse, ginseng and astragalus, which can stimulate local congestion, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Ginger warm, its unique "gingerols" can stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa, so that gastrointestinal congestion, digestive capacity. When ginger is applied to the scalp, it can make the scalp congest and promote blood circulation. Blood is one of the key factors for hair growth. Therefore, this kind of hyperemia can stimulate blood circulation to improve the growth of hair to a certain extent, especially for people with mental hair loss and kidney deficiency hair loss, the effect is very obvious. In addition, some people also use ginger on the hair of beard and eyebrow, the principle is the same.